The Essence of Leadership: Understanding its Theories and Impact

Explain The Leadership and Its Theories

Leadership is the ability of an individual or a group of individuals to influence and guide followers or other members of an organization.

Leadership involves making sound and sometimes it is difficult to take decisions, creating and articulating a clear vision, establishing achievable goals and providing followers with the knowledge and tools necessary to achieve those goals. Koontz and O’Donnell, “Leadership  is the process of influencing people so that they will strive willingly towards the achievement of group goals.”

Effective Leader Bears the Following Characteristics:

a. Communication and management skills, creative and innovative thinking, perseverance in the face of failure,  willingness to take risks, openness to change, and levelheadedness and re-activeness in times of crisis.

b.  Self-confidence, strong personality.

 • Former U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower articulated this idea when he said, &quote: Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it.


1. There must be Followers •

A leadership cannot exist without followers.

• If a leader does not have followers, he cannot exercise his authority.

• Leadership exists both in formal and informal organizations.

2. Personal Quality •

 The character and behavior of a man influence the works of others.

• Good personal qualities of a leader always attract team mates toward him/her. 

 3. Working Relationship between Leader and Followers :

 • There must be a working relationship between the leader and his followers.

• It means that the leader should present himself in a place where the work is actually going on.

 • Besides, the leader should be a dynamic person of the concerned group.

• If he is not so, he cannot get things done.

4 . Reciprocal Relationship:

 • Leadership kindles a reciprocal relationship between the leader and his followers.

 • A leader can influence his followers and, in turn, the followers can influence the leader. 

• The willingness of both the leader and the followers is responsible for the influence and no enforcement is adopted.

 5. Guidance:

• A leader guides his followers to achieve the goals of the organization.

•A leader should take steps to motivate his followers for this purpose.

6. Power Relationship:

• A leader has powers to exercise over his followers.

• The leader derives these powers from the organization hierarchy, superior know-ledge, experience and the like.

7. Shared Function

 • Leadership is a shared function.

• A leader is also working along with his followers to achieve the objectives of the organization.

• Besides, the leader shares his experience, ideas and views with his followers.

Need and Importance of Leadership:

1. Psychological Support

• Leaders not only help the followers in accomplishing the organizational tasks; they also help them overcome various problems they confront while performing these tasks. They create willingness in people to work with zeal and enthusiasm.

• They make the followers realize that their work is important so that they work with confidence towards task accomplishment.

2. Development of Individuals:

 • Leaders build willingness, enthusiasm and confidence in followers for accomplishment of their individual and organizational goals.

• This results in their overall growth and development.

3. Leaders motivate the employees :

•  Leaders motivate the employees to take up jobs that they otherwise may not be willing to exercise.

4. Provides Feedback:

 • When people work towards well-defined targets, they want constant feedback of their performance, which helps in achieving their goals effectively.

• Leaders provide them this feedback.

 5. Helps in Introducing Change:

• Effective leaders can convince members about the need and benefits of organizational change.

• The change process can, thus, be smoothly carried out.

6. Maintain Discipline :

• Leadership is a powerful influence that enforces discipline in the organization more than formal rules and regulations can.

 • Members will be committed and loyal to rules and regulations if their leaders have confidence in them.

7. Empowering Others:

 • A good leader leads by empowering others.

 • It means delegation of power.

• Today’s leader is not expected to retain all power with himself, he gives autonomy and power to others.

• He has to diffuse his power.

 • He has to command power and respect for empowering others.

Need of Leadership:

1. Have Vision

 • Leaders have a clear sense of where they want to go and how they intend to get there.

• They see the big picture, and then create a strategic plan for achieving their goals.

 • Learn how to develop your vision – Befriend top business leaders in your community (not necessarily just those in real estate), read new and classic business books and great leaders’ biographies, and formulate a mission statement for your company.

2. Make Decisions:

 • Leaders aren’t afraid to make difficult or unpopular decisions because they have confidence in themselves and in their abilities. They know that indecision wastes resources and opportunities.

. • Learn to hone your decision -making skills –Practice making decisions in areas where failure isn’t critical to increase your confidence. 

• If a decision turns out to be wrong, learn from it and move on.

3. Take Risks:

 • Leaders have the courage to act in situations where results aren’t assured.

• Learn how to take risks – Analyze the situation, listing pros and cons for each option, then assign each choice a risk factor rating from 1 to 5.

 • No one wins all the time. Leaders grow by making mistakes

4. Motivate Others:

 • Leaders can articulate their vision and ideals to others, convincing them of the value of their ideas.

• They can inspire people to work toward common goals and to achieve things they never thought they could do.

• Learn how to motivate people – Explore the different needs that motivate people and recognize that the same rewards don’t motivate everyone.

5. Build Teams:

 • Leaders create productive teams that draw the best from people.

• They effectively coach teams in collaboration, consensus building, and conflict resolution.

• Learn how to improve your teambuilding skills – Avoid preconceived answers to every question.

6. Display Integrity :

• Leaders must be trustworthy before others who follow them.

 • Qualities that establish trust are competence, constancy, caring, candor, and congruity, which he defines as authenticity, reliability, and feeling comfortable with oneself.

• Learn how to assess your integrity.

7. Communicate Effectively:

• Leaders can convey their ideas to diverse individuals and adjust their styles to meet the needs of the people they lead.

• Learn how to improve communication skills – Practice communications skills such as – active listening.

 8. Help Others To Succeed:

 • Leaders empower others and go out of their way to help them achieve their full potential, thereby benefiting the organization.

 • Give a boost to others – Mentor individuals you feel are able to assume leadership roles.

Leadership Theories:

What exactly makes a great leader?

• Do certain personality traits make people better suited to leadership roles, or do characteristics of the situation make it more likely that certain people will take charge?

• Leadership theory studies the qualities of good leaders.

 • Psychologists analyze and develop leadership theory, and researchers try to discover the common qualities or behavioral patterns of excellent leaders.

Trait Theories:

• Similar in some ways to Great Man theories, trait theories assume that people inherit certain qualities and traits that make them better suited to leadership. Trait theories often identify a particular personality or behavioral characteristics shared by leaders.

• For example, traits like extroversion, self-confidence, and courage are all traits that could potentially be linked to great leaders.

• If particular traits are key features of leadership, then how do we explain people who possess those qualities but are not leaders?

• This question is one of the difficulties in using trait theories to explain leadership.

• There are plenty of people who possess the personality traits associated with leadership, yet many of these people never seek out positions of leadership

• There are also people who lack some of the key traits often associated with effective leadership yet still excel at leading groups.

Behavioral Theories:

Behavioral theories of leadership are based upon the belief that great leaders are made, not born.

 • Consider it the flip-side of the Great Man theories.

 • Rooted in behaviorism, this leadership theory focuses on the actions of leaders, not on mental qualities or internal states.

• According to this theory, people can learn to become leaders through teaching and observation.

The Transformational Theory:

• The transformational theory of leadership, also called &quote: The Relationship Theory,& studies effective leadership as the result of a positive relationship between leaders and team members.

. • Transformational leaders motivate and inspire through their enthusiasm and passion.

• They are a model for their teams, and they hold themselves to the same standard they expect of others.

Charismatic Theory:

 • Charismatic leadership is defined by a leader who uses his or her communication skills, persuasiveness, and charm to influence others.

 • Charismatic leaders, given their ability to connect with people on a deep level, are especially valuable within organizations that are facing a crisis or are struggling to move forward.

Characteristics That Most Charismatic Leaders Share:

1.Strong communicator .

2. Empathetic and relatable.


 4. Motivational.

5.Engaging and charming .

6. Optimistic.

Leadership Styles:

Leadership Style is defined as it refers to the way a leader behaves and the procedure they possess to lead a group or organization.

Types of Leadership Styles:

1. Autocratic Leadership Style: A leader who makes decisions alone and expects obedience from their followers.

2. Servant Leadership Style: A leader who prioritizes the needs of their followers and focuses on helping them develop and succeed.

3. Democratic Leadership Style: A leader who encourages participation and input from group members in decision making.

4. Laissez-faire Leadership Style: A leader who gives group members freedom to make their own decisions.

5. Transformational Leadership Style: A leader who inspires and motivates followers to work towards a shared vision or goal.


1. What is Leadership and explain its theories?

2. Define Leadership in brief.

3. Explain any three qualities of leadership.

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